Grand Theft Auto high quality mods and tutorials! GTA San Andreas Skin Selector V2.1 Mod was downloaded 1540063 times and it has 8.83 of 10 points so far. Download it now for GTA San Andreas!
Skin Selector for GTA San Andreas with automatic installation. Mods are installed quickly and for free.
Download dan Cara Pasang Mod Skin Selector Akmal Rizal December 17. Gan kok saya gak bisa padahal udh skin img dan skin.cs udh dicopy ke folder Cleo di gta san andreas, truss skin.img udh di buka sama IMG tools truss saya copy tuh skin formatnya dff dan txd tapi gak bisa pas dimainin. Mohon bantuannya gan, terima kasih. GTA SA: How To Install SKIN SELECTOR!! + Install Skins *VOICE TUTORIAL* (Steam + Non steam) The Crusader. GTA San Andreas Top 10 Best Mods Of All Time - Duration: 11:35. Bang saya kan udh download skin selectornya tapi kok pas mau masuk gtanya kga bisa masuk sih, itu knpa ya?? Di gta san andreas ori gw pas ganti skin jadi nge frezee dah? Cara fix nya gimana? BangNaufal upload skin selector yg di gta extreme yg 2.0.0. Fadil Hero 18 Juni 2016 13.18.
Published on 30 January 2013
Gta San Andreas Skin Selector V2.0 Mod Download
Also some of the skins that are present on our site require the installation of this script that allows you to change the skin on any new hero.
If you want to install a new skin (the skin should be *.txd and *.dff), you should either put it with IMG Tool 2.0 in the file CLEOskin.img. Or you can just download the skins from our site and put them into the game automatically. The choice is yours.
The mod allows spaunit′ next to a any character. There are two types of spawn:
1. normal, i.e. a character just appears beside you
2. the Defender, that character will protect you.
Moreover the mod built range of clothing from any store! Thus you can put absolutely any thing anywhere in the game.
-to change the skin of the hero to the new, downloaded skins Tab and press the button without releasing her twist the mouse wheel. Instead, you can also press the Q or E button is changing. Tab button can also be pressed.
-to open the menu select the characters you want to simultaneously press the 3 button-Tab + Q + E (if that doesn't work, try the Tab + Q + spinning wheel mouse down)
-to select a menu, press ' SPACEBAR '
-to exit the menu, press F or Enter
Some say that this mod works best with installed CLEO 3. It is the third, not the fourth version.